I am shocked bae (bacon and egg) rolls aren’t as big of a deal in America! I lived in Australia for 5 years and learned to deeply love a good bacon and egg roll. Here is my homemade version of this easy & delicious roll. Not only for breakfast but you can enjoy this for lunch or dinner too!
Bacon & Egg Roll
(Recipe makes 1 roll)
1 tbsp mayo
1 tsp garlic spread (from Trader Joe’s)
1 brioche bun
1/2 ripe avocado
3 slices bacon
1 egg
Salt & pepper
Preheat your oven to 400 if you are baking your bacon (or prepare it any other way you prefer). While bacon cooks, make your sauce. Mix mayo & garlic spread together and set aside. In a skillet, toast your brioche bun. When bun is toasted, add avocado on one side & the garlic mayo on the other, make sure you season you avocado! Fry you egg to your liking & add bacon and egg to the roll.